689 research outputs found

    The influence of organochlorine compound exposure on the physiological development of children

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    The present study summarizes the advances on the knowledge of the health disturbances associated to fetal exposure to organochlorine compounds in a cohort of children from Menorca. Higher incidence of diverse deleterious health effects at 4 years of age have been observed, e.g. hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and poor social behavior and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, 4,4’-DDE and asthma, wheeze, lower respiratory tract infections and alteration of urinary coproporphyrins, HCB, ß-hexachlorocyclohexane and 4,4’-DDE and alteration of thyroid hormones, HCB, 4,4’-DDE and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and overweight, 4,4’-DDT and PCBs and lower neurodevelopment. A protective effect of breastfeeding against decreases of cognitive skills in children due to 4,4’-DDT exposure has also been documented. This protective effect shows that other factors besides pollutant exposure and genetic variability influence on the health effects of environmental pollutants into human populations. These results are important for the understanding of the health implications of exposome studies.Aquest estudi resumeix els avenços en el coneixement dels trastorns de salut associats a l’exposició fetal a compostos organoclorats en una cohort de nens de Menorca. S’ha observat una incidència major de diversos efectes perjudicials per la salut als 4 anys d’edat, per exemple, hexaclorobenzè (HCB) i comportament social pobre i trastorn per dèficit d’atenció amb hiperactivitat, 4,4’- DDE i asma, xiulets pulmonars, infeccions de les vies respiratòries baixes i alteració de coproporfirines urinàries, HCB, ß-hexaclorociclohexà i 4,4’-DDE i alteració de les hormones tiroïdals, HCB, 4,4’-DDE i policlorobifenils (PCBs) i sobrepès, 4,4’-DDT i PCBs i menor desenvolupament neurològic. També s’ha documentat un efecte protector de la lactància materna contra la disminució de les habilitats cognitives dels nens a causa de l’exposició a 4,4’-DDT. Aquest efecte protector mostra que altres factors, a més de l’exposició a contaminants i genètica personal, influeixen en els efectes de salut dels contaminants ambientals en les poblacions humanes. Aquests resultats són importants per comprendre les implicacions per la salut dels estudis d’exposomes

    Effects of pre and postnatal exposure to low levels of polybromodiphenyl ethers on neurodevelopment and thyroid hormone levels at 4years of age

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    There are at present very few studies of the effects of polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs), used as flame retardants in consumer products, on neurodevelopment or thyroid hormone levels in humans. The present study aims to examine the association between pre and postnatal PBDE concentrations and neurodevelopment and thyroid hormone levels in children at age 4. years and isolate the effects of PBDEs from those of PCBs, DDT, DDE and HCB.A prospective birth cohort in Menorca (Spain) enrolled 482 pregnant mothers between 1997 and 1998. At 4. years, children were assessed for motor and cognitive function (McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities), attention-deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity (ADHD-DSM-IV) and social competence (California Preschool Social Competence Scale). PBDE concentrations were measured in cord blood (N = 88) and in serum of 4. years olds (N = 244). Among all congeners analyzed only PBDE 47 was quantified in a reasonable number of samples (LOQ = 0.002. ng/ml). Exposure to PBDE 47 was analyzed as a dichotomous variable: concentrations above the LOQ (exposed) and concentrations below (referents).Scores for cognitive and motor functions were always lower in children pre and postnatally exposed to PBDE47 than in referents, but none of these associations was statistically significant (β coefficient (95%CI) of the total cognition score: -2.7 (-7.0, 1.6) for postnatal exposure, and -1.4 (-9.2, 6.5) for prenatal exposure). Postnatal exposure to PBDE 47 was statistically significantly related to an increased risk of symptoms on the attention deficit subscale of ADHD symptoms (RR (95%CI) = 1.8 (1.0, 3.2)) but not to hyperactivity symptoms. A statistically significant higher risk of poor social competence symptoms was observed as a consequence of postnatal PBDE 47 exposure (RR (95%CI) = 2.6 (1.2, 5.9)). Adjustment for other organochlorine compounds did not influence the results. Levels of thyroid hormones were not associated to PBDE exposure.This study highlights the importance of assessing the effects of PBDE exposure not just prenatally but also during the early years of life. In the light of current evidence a precautionary approach towards PBDE exposure of both mothers and children seems warranted. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Sea surface temperature reconstruction in the southeastern Iberian Margin during the Last Glacial period by means of coccolithophore analyses

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    4 pages, 2 figures.Detailed quantitative analyses of coccolithophore assemblages have been carried out in three sediment cores recovered from different locations in the Atlantic and Mediterranean sectors of the Iberian Peninsula. Biostratigraphical and oxygen isotope analyses show that these cores provide a high-resolution record of most of the last glacial period. Joint interpretation of the results reveals that higher sea surface temperatures (SST) were recorded in the Atlantic side during that interval. Dansgaard-Oeschger Interstadials are the warmer periods, while during Heinrich Events and Dansgaard-Oeschger Stadials SSTs suffered a substantial decrease, probably due to the appearance of turbid, fresher and colder surface water masses. These quantitative differences in the response of coccolithophore assemblages between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean cores indicate that the Mediterranean Sea shows a more intense response to climatic and oceanographic changes than the Atlantic area.La realización de esta investigación ha sido posible gracias a la concesión de una beca predoctoral del Programa Nacional de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes) a E. Colmenero Hidalgo, y a la financiación de los proyectos REN2003-08642-CO2/CLI y BTE2002-04670 (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología), SA088/04 (Junta de Castilla y León) y PROMESS 1 (EVR1-T-40024, Comisión Europea). Los autores también agradecen a Jesús Roncero y a José Ignacio Martín Cruz su ayuda en la preparación de muestras.Peer reviewe

    Indicadores químicos de combustión en un hogar del Paleolítico Medio del yacimiento de Mediona I (Alt Penedès, Barcelona)

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    Organical chemical analysis of archaeological soils is a recently developed technique, which considerably increases the information available from ancient remains. The present study gives an example of their capabilities in the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment in the Middle Paleolithic Mediona 1 site. Pyrogenic chemical-markers have been identified from the study of the lipid aromatic fraction in a previously excavated combustion area. These compounds have made it possible to recognize hearths which are not clearly defined by other means.La aplicación del análisis químico orgánico a muestras arqueológicas es una técnica de desarrollo reciente. El estudio de la fracción lipídica (eso es, la fracción de materia extraíble mediante disolventes orgánicos) de restos sedimentarios en yacimientos permite recuperar una información inaccesible a otras técnicas de identificación aplicadas a la Arqueología. Este artículo describe de forma comparativa la fracción aromática del sedimento en el interior y en el exterior de un área de combustión en un yacimiento paleolítico previamente excavado. Asimismo, presenta el análisis de indicadores químicos pirogénicos con una técnica de gran potencial para la identificación de áreas de combustión en yacimientos donde éstos no están claramente definidos (simples manchas sin carbones, agrupación de piedras sin evidencias externas de termo alteración, etc.), siempre comparándolas con muestras de sedimento no termo alterado del mismo nivel arqueológico

    Trapping of Organochlorine Compounds in High Mountain Lakes

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    High mountain areas have recently been observed to be polluted by organochlorine compounds (OC) despite their isolation. These persistent pollutants arrive at these remote regions through atmospheric transport. However, the mechanisms involving the accumulation of these compounds from the atmospheric pool to the lacustrine systems still need to be elucidated. These mechanisms must be related to the processes involving the transfer of these pollutant from low to high latitudes[1] as described in the global distillation effect[2]

    Multi-decadal temperature changes off Iberia over the last two deglaciations and interglacials and their connection with the polar climate

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    The Iberian margin provides climatic and environmental sediment records with multi-decadal resolution over the last two deglaciations and interglacials. These records allow us to identify climatic structures and discuss interhemispherical connections.Peer reviewe

    Organochlorine in the serum of inhabitants living near an electrochemical factory

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    7 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables.-- PMID: 10448322 [PubMed].-- PMCID: PMC1757711.OBJECTIVES: To measure the impact of occupational and lifestyle factors on concentrations of organochlorine compounds in a general population sample living near an electrochemical factory with a high airborne concentration of hexachlorobenzene (HCB).METHODS: Serum samples from 608 people (328 selected from a random sample) were collected in 1994. Information on lifestyles, occupation, and medical condition was obtained by questionnaire.RESULTS: HCB and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were detected in all samples (means 36.7 ng/ml and 4.3 ng/ml respectively), followed by dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane (DDE) and beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH), found in 98.7% and 87.3% of the samples respectively (means 4.6 ng/ml and 2.5 ng/ml, respectively). Concentrations of HCB were the highest ever reported. Occupation in the factory was the main determinant of the variation in concentrations of HCB (regression coefficients 1.52 (SEM 0.14) in 1n (HCB) for workers in the production department, and 2.13 (0.23) for workers in maintenance department) and explained the highest concentrations of HCB found in men of middle age. In retired workers, concentrations of HCB declined with time since retirement. The PCBs, dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), and beta-HCH were independent of the occupation and concentrations were similar to those found in other populations. Concentrations of beta-HCH and DDE in the whole population, and HCB among non-workers, were higher in women than in men. Concentrations of all measured organochlorine compounds increased with age and body mass index. Consumption of locally caught fish was an independent determinant of HCB and PCB concentrations.CONCLUSIONS: This population incorporated HCB directly through occupation in the electrochemical factory, by airborne pollution, and consumption of locally caught fish. Concentrations of other common organochlorine compounds were not higher than expected. Environmental exposures to these compounds deserve attention due to their persistence and potential health effects.This work was supported by a grant from the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria”, Spain (FIS 93/0006-01).Peer reviewe


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    The multidisciplinary study of planktic and benthic foraminifera, alkenone SST, and O and C stable isotope records allowed reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental history of the central Adriatic basin over the last 360 ka B. P. In general, the main paleoclimatic changes documented in the central Adriatic appear in phase with climate change in the North Atlantic realm, except for intervals which correspond to the deposition of sapropel levels in the eastern Mediterranean. In particular, the interval between Marine Isotope Stage ( MIS) 7.5 and MIS 5 appears to be strongly influenced by the monsoonal regime. The comparison with other Mediterranean records also suggests that the Adriatic Basin was affected by very low sea surface temperature ( SST) ( down to 2 degrees C for MIS 2) during glacial intervals, which is uncommon for the Mediterranean Basin. In addition, the SST record indicates that this basin was unable to maintain warm interglacial/ interstadial conditions for durations similar to the western Mediterranean. This fact can be explained by the landlocked position and shallow depth of this basin, which make it particularly exposed to atmospheric forcing ( e. g., Siberian High) and to the strong influence of the nearby landmass during glacial intervals, producing a lag in the demise of glacial intervals. Moreover, the progressively higher values of the delta(18)O records of glacial intervals, alongside the SST record and the foraminifera assemblage, imply an increasing impact of the formation of cold and dense water since the penultimate glacial